1901-1918: Early Military Use

Australian Commonwealth Naval Forces (Mar 1901 to Jul 1911) 

The Australian National Flag (blue ensign) quickly became the ensign of the newly formed Australian Commonwealth Naval Forces, a federal fleet which combined into one service the ships of the former six Australian colonies which in 1901, were constituted as States of Australia.

Flag raising ceremony aboard HMAS YARRA I with HMAS PARRAMATTA I in the background, at Port Melbourne, on 10 Dec 1910 (or within a few days after) . The Australian National Flag is hoisted as the ship’s Ensign, presented by the Mayoress of Richmond (Mrs Lloyd Davies) and her team of patriotic women of the City of Richmond, Vic.

Painting of HMAS Paramatta of the Australian Navy, flying the blue Australian National Flag, prior to Jul 1911.

On 10 Jul 1911, the Commonwealth Naval Forces were granted royal status by King George V and became the Royal Australian Navy, which adopted the British White Ensign and later the Australian White Ensign as its flag.

1908 and 1911: Australian Army

The Australian Army in 1908 and again in 1911 confirmed in their official publication, Military Orders that the blue Australian Flag was the only saluting flag for use by the Australian Army.

1914 – 6 Aug: First use in war (WW1)

The flag is used for the first time in war (WW1) when flown over Queenscliff Fort, Victoria. The fort opened fire to prevent the German steamer, Pfalz, from leaving port. It was the first shot fired in the Great War.

1914 – 9 Nov: Australia’s first battle (a victory) in WW1

In Australia’s first battle in WW1, under the campaign to seize German New Guinea (now Papua New Guinea), HMAS Sydney destroyed the German raider SMS Emden. This event was commemorated in the following artwork, depicting a sailor nailing our colours, the Australian National Flag, to the mast, literally!

Artwork depicting the Australian National Flag in commemoration of Australia’s first battle in WW1